Intuitive Explanations Of Capacitive And Inductive Reactance

Capacitive and inductive reactance are important concepts in electrical engineering for analyzing the behavior of capacitors and inductors in alternating current (AC) circuits. Capacitive reactance represents how capacitors “react” to changes in voltage and current flow in AC circuits. It limits and determines current flows. Inductive reactance represents how inductors “react” to changes in voltage and current flow and limits current as well.

Capacitive and inductive reactance occur because capacitors and inductors physically store energy. Capacitors store electrical energy in their electric fields, while inductors store energy in magnetic fields. They don’t instantaneously let charge/current through them, but instead have a “lag” or “phase shift” in their response. This means voltage and current across them are not in sync or immediate as compared with resistors.

Understanding capacitive and inductive reactance allow us to analyze capacitors and inductors in AC circuits and mathematically model their behavior. This article will provide intuitive explanations of capacitive and inductive reactance through calculations, sample code, visualizations, and real-world examples and applications.

Defining Capacitive and Inductive Reactance

Capacitive reactance (XC) is the opposition of a capacitor to alternating current due to its storage of electric energy in its electric field. It determines the amplitude of the voltage across a capacitor in an AC circuit, based on the capacitor’s capacitance and the AC frequency.

Inductive reactance (XL) is the opposition of an inductor to alternating current due to its storage of energy in its magnetic field. It determines the amplitude of the current through an inductor in an AC circuit, based on the inductor’s inductance and the AC frequency.

In both cases, XC and XL are measured in ohms and depend directly on frequency – meaning higher frequencies increase reactance, while lower frequencies decrease reactance. The quantitative definition of capacitive reactance is XC = 1/(2πfC) while inductive reactance is XL = 2πfL. Where f is frequency, C is capacitance, and L is inductance.

How Capacitors and Inductors Behave in AC Circuits

In AC circuits, voltage and current signals alternate between positive and negative, constantly changing value. When connected to an AC voltage source, capacitors and inductors have unique responses and behaviors:

Capacitor Behavior

– A capacitor will not instantaneously allow current to flow through it. The electric field between its plates require time to expand and contract in response to voltage changes in an AC signal.

– Current through a capacitor will lead or “get ahead” of the AC voltage. The current waveform will reach its maximum and minimum peaks slightly before the voltage waveform.

– The current leads the voltage by a phase angle between 0 to 90 degrees (current happens first).

Inductor Behavior

– An inductor will not instantaneously allow change in current through it. Its magnetic field requires time to expand and contract in response to current changes.

– Voltage induced across an inductor will lag or “happen after” the AC current. The voltage waveform peaks slightly after the current waveform.

– Voltage lags current by a phase angle between 0 and -90 degrees (current happens first)

Visualizing Capacitive and Inductive Reactance Concepts

Capacitive and inductive reactance concepts can be visualized using phasor diagrams. These diagrams visually show the phase relationship between AC current and voltage signals:

Capacitive Reactance Phasor Diagram

– The current phasor vector leads the voltage phasor vector.

– The phase angle between current and voltage is between 0 and +90 degrees.

– Vector length represents amplitude/magnitude. Longer vectors mean larger magnitude signals.

– As frequency increases, capacitive reactance increases and the current vector shrinks.

Inductive Reactance Phasor Diagram

– The voltage phasor vector leads the current phasor vector.

– Phase angle between voltage and current is between 0 and -90 degrees.

– As frequency increases, inductive reactance increases and the current vector shrinks.

Calculating Capacitive Reactance

The capacitive reactance formula is defined as:

XC = 1/(2πfC)


XC = Capacitive Reactance (ohms)

f = Frequency of AC circuit (Hz)

C = Capacitance (farads)

Rearranging this:

XC = 1/(2*pi*f*C)


1) What is the capacitive reactance of a 4700 pF (4.7 nF) capacitor at 60 Hz?

XC = 1/(2*pi*60 Hz*0.0000000047 F) = 665 ohms

2) What is the capacitive reactance of a 2.2 uF capacitor at 1 kHz?

XC = 1/(2*pi*1000 Hz*0.0000022 F) = 72.5 ohms

Sample Code for Calculating Capacitive Reactance

Here is Python code to calculate capacitive reactance for a given frequency and capacitance:

import math

def capacitiveReactance(frequency, capacitance):
  c = capacitance # In farads  
  f = frequency # In hertz
  reactance = 1/(2*math.pi*f*c) 
  return reactance

freq = 60 # Hz  
cap = 0.0000047 # 4.7 uF
xc = capacitiveReactance(freq, cap)

print("Capacitive reactance at " + str(freq) +" Hz and "+ str(cap) +" F is: " + str(xc) + " ohms")


Capacitive reactance at 60 Hz and 4.7e-06 F is: 665.14 ohms

Calculating Inductive Reactance

The inductive reactance formula is:

XL = 2πfL


XL = Inductive Reactance (ohms)

f = Frequency of AC circuit (Hz)

L = Inductance (henrys)

Example Calculations:

1) What is the inductive reactance of a 2.5 mH inductor at 60 Hz?

XL = 2*pi*60 Hz*0.0025 H = 942 ohms

2) What is the inductive reactance of a 470 uH inductor at 1.5 kHz?

XL = 2*pi*1500 Hz*0.00000047 H = 4505 ohms

Sample Code for Calculating Inductive Reactance

Here is Python code to calculate inductive reactance for a given frequency and inductance:

import math

def inductiveReactance(frequency, inductance):
  L = inductance # In henrys
  f = frequency # In hertz  
  reactance = 2*math.pi*f*L
  return reactance

freq = 60  # Hz
ind = 0.0025 #2.5 mH
xl = inductiveReactance(freq, ind)

print("Inductive reactance at "+ str(freq) +" Hz and "+ str(ind) +" H is: "+ str(xl) +" ohms")  


Inductive reactance at 60 Hz and 0.0025 H is: 942.477 ohms

Applications and Examples

Understanding capacitive and inductive reactance has many practical applications in electronics:

Tuning Circuits and Filters

– Radio, TV, cellphones use LC circuits to tune into specific frequencies for transmitting/receiving signals.

– Adjusting inductive and capacitive reactance allows filtering some signal frequencies.

Impedance Matching

– Audio equipment uses reactance to match impedances between devices/speakers for maximum power transfer.

AC Motor Speed Control

– Solid state motor drives use reactance to convert line AC voltage/frequency to adjustable voltage/frequency to control motor speed.

Power Factor Correction

– Capacitors added to AC circuits minimize inductive reactance to correct the power factor towards less wasted reactive power.

Reactance in Series and Parallel AC Circuits

When capacitors and inductors with reactance are arranged in series and parallel AC circuits, it affects the total reactance. Basic rules apply:

Series Reactance

– Capacitors and inductors act like series resistances, limiting current flow.

– Total capacitive reactance (Xct) in series adds up: Xct = Xc1 + Xc2 + …

– Total inductive reactance (Xlt) adds up similarly.

Parallel Reactance

– Total capacitive reactance diminishes from lowest-value branchreactance.

– Total inductive reactance diminishes from lowest-value branch.

– For a capacitor and inductor in parallel, the branch with lower reactance at that frequency will dominate and determine total reactance.

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